ļ»æleverage means that I can give an input and for every action there is a bigger reaction or a bigger
output this is secrets for Success welcome to the secrets for Success podcast I'm your host Greg Todd thank you as always for joining me today's episode I want to make uh I want to make this The Leverage episode because I'm assuming that the majority of you that are listening to this podcast or watching me on YouTube you want to be able to make more income you want to have more impact you want to do it in less of your time so that you can use your time to enjoy other things in life besides trying to earn a living right well I think one of the biggest things that I had to uh start to ask myself is how do I pull that off and the way that you pull that off is through leveraging whatever it is that you're doing and so let's kind of talk talk about what leverage means leverage means that I can give an input and for every action there is a bigger reaction or a bigger output like that's what Leverage is so how is it that I do all the different parts of making a business run or providing value to the world and do it in a leverage way so that I could spend more time doing other things in life being with my kids being with my wife uh taking care of myself uh enhancing myself spirit mentally emotionally and physically all right so let's talk about how you leverage in 2006 it was the first time that I had I guess one of my first of many breakdowns okay all right and so at this point I'm working at my practice renewal rehab I'm working six days a week uh I on Saturdays I would work from 8:00 to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday I would basically work somewhere like 7 a.m. to like 8:00 p.m. right I'm I'm super tired at this point uh I remember coming home on a Saturday and our yard was looked like it looked like uh like the jungle okay and we had a notice that was given to our us from our home Owners Association saying uh you know Gregory and Kwan Todd you need to basically clean up your yard and if you don't we're going to have to find you and so I had promised my wife that that Saturday after I finished work I would take care of the yard so I got home from work around 2:45 had to do my notes this and that da da da and got home actually probably closer to 300 3:30 I got home I finished at 2:45 got home around 3:30 and I remember pulling out the lawnmower the yard looks absolutely ridiculous and I remember going outside and just just yanking the the lawn and the thing wouldn't start dang man this thing won't start then I did it again and I sorry I sound like a dog but you get the point all right I was trying to get my law for to start it wouldn't start I looked I opened up the cap looked in and there was hardly any gas so I'm like gosh just it's just a gas problem all right so maybe I just need to go get some more gas and get the thing start so I went to Shell gas station was about 7 minutes from my house and when I came back from the gas station I poured the gas inside lawnmower primed it again did thing went it start and then it started pouring started pouring rain I'm exhausted was another 70h hour week can't get my laber to start they're going to kick me out my neighborhood I'm just so tired and it was at that point where I realize that I'm not leveraging myself I actually broke down I broke down while it was raining I started crying I was balling and I went to my front door I rang the doorbell and my wife looked at me and she sees that I am drenched and she looks at my eyes and she can see they're so red she's like what's wrong with you and I was
like can I somebody to do the law please she was like I know she was like God You're Pitiful just like yes you can and so and so that day I realized this I was like this is stupid for me to do the laan because I know that I could hire somebody for $80 to do my lawn every single week for a month that Saturday evening I actually hired someone and I knew that even with the skills that I had as a therapist I knew that there was a lady that I knew that if I worked on her for an hour privately she would pay me $80 so I knew that in one hour I can do what the lawn people are going to do in four hours of doing a lawn and you know what I am with regard to doing a lawn I suck at it but I'm good at working on people with my physical therapy skills all right it's a long story to tell you that that was a first time that I can truly say that I leveraged my abilities okay I figured out what could I do with minimum input that would give me maximum output in this case minimum input is an hour worth of working on a patient maximum out put was $80 that she was going to give me made a lot more sense than the input of an hour each Saturday to try to do the lawn when my lawnmower wouldn't work or maybe the owner operator me didn't know how to work it so that was when I started to leverage and ever since then I've been figuring out how do I leverage the different parts of my business so here's what I want to talk about there are four different parts of your business that makes the business work so that the business can take off you must Market first marketing is the Art and Science of discovering and developing in people a desire for more and more of your product service or your opportunity the question is how are you marketing can I tell you the unleveraged way the unleveraged way of marketing at least how I did it back in 20056 when I started my business was me going door too office to Office business to business and showing up there to them talking about my service my products and my opportunities that was a leverage way of marketing can I tell you what a leverage way of marketing is using this my phone doing this podcast using Instagram stories going on Tik Tok that's leverage way you know what I'm doing I'm talking about how I can help you how I can bring you value but I'm not doing this driving from door too to every single gym every single doctor every single business I'm not doing that anymore I'm going on my phone and I am doing a one to many way of delivering value to people can I tell you another leverage way another leverage way is me getting on somebody else's stage a stage is somebody else's Instagram live a stage is somebody else's Facebook live a stage is getting on a podcast a stage is actually speaking at an event a stage is doing a workshop for another company where I'm bringing value and I'm showing people what it is that I have that can bring them value so that they have more of a desire for my product my service and my opportunity that's leveraged okay what's the next thing that you have to do with regards to getting leads remember I said marketing first then get leads then get sales and get service so let's talk about how you leverage leads you want to know what I used to do what I used to do is if I would go to a doctor's office I would take out my Palm Pilot back then I had a Palm Pilot and I would go to my phone and if somebody gave me their number I would put it inside my phone and say all right let's stay in touch and I would type in the number and I would forget to put in their name and would I stay in touch with them nope I wouldn't so I was doing all that marketing but I didn't have a back-end process that was staying in touch with the leads so an unlever way of doing that is me taking my phone and let just say I did put in their name and their number that every single week I'm going to say hey remember me hey remember when we met at the Chamber of Commerce hey you remember when we met at uh at Rotary Club hey you remember when we met at this at the farmers market that was an unleveraged weight it was me reaching out to my leads people that were interested in me one to one over and over and over again and because I didn't leverage it and I wasn't consistent people just assumed that this person forgot about me and I forgot about them you want to know a leverage way to do it a leverage way to do it is that now when I do get in contact with people I put them inside of the software my software is sshc campaign software okay that's a software that we use that every single person just like how I have my phone I have an app and that app when I bring somebody in I add them as a contact it automatically reaches out to them on my behalf it reaches out to them in six days reaches out to them five days later reaches out to them 5 days after that reach out to them seven days after that it automatically does it so that I can continue relationship that's called leveraged now here's a leverage way for sales a leverage way for sales is instead of me waiting for a p a potential patient to come into my office what I am doing now is instead of me talking to that one person and getting them to see the value in what I have so that they pay me money because that's what sales is UN covering the value of what you have so well that people are willing to pay you money for the value that you're going to give them in exchange I used to do that one to one so I can only get one sale at a time want to know what I do today today I do one to many sales where I am giving lots of value to a lot of people at one time and then those people that are like I want to get more value from me I'm giving them the opportunity to work with me after I do the event that event could be a webinar that event could be a challenge that event could be a workshop it could be uh a live event it could be a virtual event these are all ways that you Leverage what it is that you do so that what you what it used to take you a year to do you can do it in 6 months what it used to take you 6 months to do you can do it in two to three months what it used to take you two to three months to do you can do it in a month and when you do that you are now leveraging yourself and then the final way is how to leverage with service so the majority of times when I am working with customers I'm not working with them oneon-one I'm working with customers one too many but I do it in an individualized manner so I've created a community of people that are very comfortable with one another and I make sure that in the community they're comfortable talking about the highs the lows and everything and then what happens is that I basically will do a group value call I will basically help people in a group setting and I help the people individually if they have questions and as I'm helping that person individually all the other people that are there are getting value from it some people don't have the confidence to ask the question but that's the question that needed to be asked and in all of those different ways that I just showed you guys that's how you leverage your business and until you leverage your business you will never be able to collapse time whatever money you're making right now a year that's what you always make a year unless you get lucky and you get up 1% 2% 3% raise that's basically what happened to me in my career or you can say all right how do I Leverage everything that I'm doing and when you leverage you're to say hey what I'm doing right now in 12 months how do I do that in six what I'm doing in six months how do I do that in three when I'm doing in three months how do I do that in one and that's you leveraging all the different parts of business so here's what I want to ask you are you leveraging everything in your business maybe I should even ask you this first do you want more time back do you want to get more time back and not sacrifice money or even better do you want to get more time back and amplify the amount of money that you're making and amount of impact that you're having well ask yourself these four questions how are you leveraging your marketing how are you making your marketing one to many with you getting out to people how are you leveraging your leads how are you communicating and connecting with more than one person at a time how are you leveraging your sales how are you uncovering the value that you have so well that people are happy to pay you money but I'm not talking about a person I'm I'm talking about people and how are you leveraging your customers how are you serving all your customers but you're not serving One customer at a time that is the key to you all being able to get your time back figure out how you can leverage so listen if this episode was valuable to you please can you do me a favor can you share this episode out can you um like this if you're listening on YouTube and can you guys tell other people about the secret for Success podcast um I'd really like it if you guys can give us five reviews as well we are climbing up the leaderboard in Spotify and on Apple iTunes uh podcast and I really would love for you guys be help us out love you guys till next time