Casey Coleman
"He’s a very rare breed. He’s very exciting, very entertaining and he teaches you what you need to know in a fun way. You won’t be disappointed"

Jeremy Sutton
"Every single day I’m learning something new. Even after the course is over and all the Facebook groups that we have. I would just tell Greg Todd that I love him and what he’s done in my life and family"

Francisco Maia
"Greg really helped me realize that and push myself through my discomfort zone and get me onto what I am today."

Kitiboni Aderley
"This has been the single most kicking the butt, pushing the right direction of being a successful private practice physical therapy owner"

Joses Ngugi
"When you are learning from them, when you are seeing in real time, them actually implementing the things that you’re learning from Smart Success and they’re thriving, there’s no better way… there’s nothing better for me. That’s where I was sold."

Fallon Heddings
"He is so passionate and excited that it just rubs on you and you to become passionate and excited positive."

Jeanette De Witt
"Greg, you are awesome! I love you, I love your family, just a beautiful family and the thing I love about you the most is that your family is so important to you. And that really permeates to everything that you do. And I hope that I can leave a legacy with my family like you are with yours"

Josh Payne
"Working with Greg personally and actually getting to be with him in person, I think the craziest thing is you just getting more sense than you already did. This is only my second time meeting Greg in person, and I just continued to get even more of a sense, even more in SSPT LIVE that he truly cares for where I’m at, where I’m going and he’s invested in making sure that I get there."

Javier Carlin
Working with Greg as I said before is just - the energy that he had and the passion in what he does, you feed off that energy and you start to realize that it didn’t happen overnight. The way that he’s served people now and in the past that he has for the past 16 years is something that we typically don’t see on camera because we just don’t know that story.