Episode 58 - 7 Critical Mistakes in Health Business with Paul Wright, Part 2

Get ready for another insightful journey with Paul Wright on "7 Critical Mistakes in Health Business" in our latest episode. Our guest sheds light on balancing family time with business efficiency, and the art of leveraging systems for success.

Audio Chapters:

00:00 Starting a business requires leveraging and systems.
03:09 Importance of action plan for client's success.
07:02 Enforce systems, ensure compliance, identify key personnel.
11:50 Cost to outsource work may be $50.
13:52 Prioritize life over profit in business decisions.
16:26 Encouraging therapist interaction, improving recruitment and onboarding.
20:58 Paul and I discussed family time value.
23:43 Remember the importance of memorable experiences.
27:46 Reflect on tasks efficiency and value for time.
31:49 Regrets over missed events, admiring wisdom imparted.
32:27 Paul's advice on avoiding mistakes is valuable.

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