Greg Todd [00:00:00]:
So you got to know all those things. You've got to know all the responsibilities and the job objectives and directives of all your assistants. Marketing, strategy, operations, tech, finances. Got to know it all. But that's why you are the head coach. This is Secrets for Success. Welcome to the Secrets for Success podcast. I'm your host, Greg Todd.
Greg Todd [00:00:40]:
Thank you as always, for joining me. My friends, today, let's talk about your responsibility as a business owner, as a CEO, AKA the head coach. You have a set of responsibilities that nobody else on your team has. Okay. Or nobody else on your future team will have. And I think this is really important for us to discuss. I don't think I've discussed this in a while, at least in podcast format. So let's go ahead and do that.
Greg Todd [00:01:13]:
And let me kind of tell you what spurring us on. So last week, last weekend, I had a group of eight clients come to my home. All right? That's basically for those of you that don't know, that's primarily how I am working with people now. I have probably once or twice a month that I will bring people in. Usually it's like five to up to 15 people at a time. And me and my team will work with them and help them on their business and do what it usually takes them months or multiple months or years to do. We just do it in a condensed format using my team, using technology and all that other stuff. So it's been very, very effective, very good on my family, very good on me, and fantastic for my clients.
Greg Todd [00:02:03]:
So, anyways, that's what I do. And on Sunday, Sunday was the. Was day three of the three days that we were working together. There was a portion now of things that we had done together. Right? So what I did with them is I filmed out enough content, organic content, for them to have for about four to five months. Okay? But now I wanted to show them this is what it looked like to actually repurpose that content using. Using AI. Okay.
Greg Todd [00:02:38]:
And using their AI assistance that we custom made for each of their businesses so that it's very branded to. To what it is that they do. All right? So now some of this stuff was very tedious, and some of it was involving tech, and I made them do it. And I said, listen, this might be the last time that you do it, but you have a responsibility of understanding this like you do. You know why? Because you're the head coach. I'm filming this the week after the super bowl, and there were two teams, the Kansas City Chiefs and the Philadelphia Eagles. I played. The head coach for the Kansas City Chiefs is Andy Reid.
Greg Todd [00:03:20]:
The head coach for the Philadelphia Eagles is Nick Sirianni. They get paid about 10 times more in compensation than any of the other assistant coaches on their teams. They get paid more than the defensive backs coach and the defensive line coach and the offensive line coach and the quarterback's coach and the running backs coach and the offensive coordinator and the defensive coordinator. They get paid more because they have to know their job. They don't have to do it as great as a defensive backs coach does it for the defensive backs, but they have to understand the whole thing. They've got to understand how to put the pieces together. At the end of the day, the responsibility is going to fall on them. If the team loses, they're on the firing block.
Greg Todd [00:04:10]:
Nobody's talking about, let's fire the defensive backs coach. Let's fire the kickering coach. No, let's fire the coach. The head coach. Okay? But when they win, they're the ones that get the $10 million per year contract. Got it. Defensive backs coach, you get a pat on the back. That is the responsibility of the head coach.
Greg Todd [00:04:34]:
So I want to talk about you. I want to talk about. What are your head coaching responsibilities? Well, whether you have a team or not, it really doesn't matter. Regardless, you have a business, and a business has. To me, it's like six different positions. Okay, you got the head coach, which is a CEO. Okay, great. All right, then in every business, you have the cmo, which is the chief marketing officer, right? Now, if you're solo, that's you as well.
Greg Todd [00:05:03]:
All right? You are responsible for getting awareness to your mission so that people right now that don't know you can know you. Because if they don't know you, money can't flow to you. All right, so CMO is number two. All right, so we talk about cmo, CEO and cmo. All right, let's talk about number three. Number three is going to be the cso, all right? That is going to be the chief strategy officer. There needs to be a strategy for everything that you're doing, okay? There needs to be a strategy, a strategy for your marketing. How am I bringing people in? How am I serving them for free? How am I presenting offers to them? What's going to be the method of me presenting offers to them once they come in? What do we do, et cetera.
Greg Todd [00:05:42]:
There needs to be a strategy behind it. All right, so we talk about CEO, head coach, head cmo, marketing, cso, the strategy behind it. All right, let's talk about next one. Coo. COO is operations. Okay? A person comes in, they become your client. What's the flow? What's the operations like? Like, how is this working? Okay? What are the different services that you have? What's the operations behind it? Who's handling that? Right? Who is. Who is going to be customer front, customer relations? Who's going to make sure that customers are going through the actual flow of everything? Okay, there's got to be somebody that does that, you guys.
Greg Todd [00:06:18]:
All right, so CEO, cmo, cso, strategy, coo, operations. Okay, there's two more responsibilities. Cto. Cto. In today's world, there has to be someone that is responsible for that, and that's technology. Okay, that's another assistant coach, like, okay, so who is responsible for using our businesses to run and to flow and to serve clients through tech? And that tech is also AI. So it's not just technology, as in what software are we using and that we're using it appropriately for our business, but what type of artificial intelligence are we using so that we don't have to have as much staff? Which will lead to the last component of assistance that you need, which is a cfo. The CFO is the chief financial officer who is making sure that we are winning the game.
Greg Todd [00:07:16]:
The game is the bank account. There needs to be more inflow of money coming in than outflow of expenses going out. Like, who's keeping track of that? There are six responsibilities to every single business, and only one of them is a head coach. But the head coach must understand the CMO responsibilities must understand the cso, the coo, the cto, and the cfo. You got to understand all of them. And if you don't, you're going to get burned. Now, let me tell you how it looks when you get burned, okay? The way that you'll get burned is, is either people will take advantage of you or you will take advantage of people and you'll lose them. Okay, let's talk about both groups.
Greg Todd [00:08:03]:
Okay? When I say people will take advantage of you, here's what I see happen all the time. Somebody starts out a business, they're solo, they're doing everything themselves. In the beginning, they have nothing, right? So they got to do everything themselves. You just got to deal with that. That's part of your. Your just. That's your famine season, we'll call it. Okay, all right, so then now you get customers, okay? And let's just say I'm so that you're doing a good job.
Greg Todd [00:08:27]:
Now you get customers. And then that customer, either A, turns into a repeat customer, B, they refer other people to you, or C, both happen, all right? So now the business starts to take off. Now you got people talking. People are talking about you. Now you're bringing in more customers. Oh, my gosh. I'm running out of time. So you start running out of time, and then you're like, I need to hire somebody.
Greg Todd [00:08:47]:
Okay? It's. You're still not sure about your business. You're not really sure if it's like, go to work. You're like, I don't know if I want to invest fully into somebody who's 60, 70, 80k a year. So, you know, let me hire somebody on Instagram or somebody that can do this on a contract basis, okay? You don't understand what it is that they're doing. And what happens is that they tell you all these things, they promise you the world, they charge you money, and then you don't really know if what they're doing is working or not. Why? Because you don't know that responsibility. You never took ownership of it at any time.
Greg Todd [00:09:28]:
So now they're telling you things, you know, that money is going out, not as much money is coming in. They're taking advantage of you, and then it ends in a disaster. That's number one or it's number two. Number two is that you're taking advantage of them. Somebody comes into your company, they're doing one of those roles that I just talked about, allowing your job as a CEO to be a little bit easier. You don't understand their role. You've never really done their role. They're doing their role, and they're actually doing a good job.
Greg Todd [00:10:06]:
But because you don't understand it, you're just looking at the scoreboard. We got more patients. We don't have more patients. This. That we have more clients. We have more clients. That. And you're not really respecting what it is that they do.
Greg Todd [00:10:19]:
You can't give them feedback. They can't grow with you, because they know you don't understand it. And there's a disconnect. There's a communication disconnect, and they leave you. And they were doing a good job, but they felt like you weren't invested in them. Guys, it's not just a paycheck that they need. They want to make sure that you are invested and that you are someone that I'm assuming they admire and respect. So they want to know, like, that you at least know what it is that you're doing.
Greg Todd [00:10:52]:
I mean, It's a big thing. And guys, that's all the responsibilities of a head coach. So you got to know all those things. You've got to know all the responsibilities and the job objectives and directives of all your assistants. Marketing, strategy, operations, tech, finances. Yeah, I don't know it all, but that's why you are the head coach. I hope this message serves you. I hope you guys found value from this.
Greg Todd [00:11:30]:
And I'm telling you this because we are doing a software Sprint for those of you that are using Go high level. We have a white label version of it. And what we are doing is totally for free. We're just allowing people to go through our software Sprint and that is the strategy and the finances, the strategy and the tech. The strategy and how this works with regards to what needs to be happening in the business. So we're showing people how to understand the strategy of business. But then how do you make tech work for you in making that strategy even smoother and executing it out? So if you guys want to be a part of our software Sprint, go ahead and text us Software Sprint to 813-534-6453. You can be a part of that.
Greg Todd [00:12:23]:
It's just videos that I've recorded. They're about 10, 15 minutes. You have to have a software account. If you don't, then text a software Sprint. But then we can also give you a trial to be able to use our software for a month or so. All right, Hope you guys found value in this. Till next time.