Greg Todd [00:00:00]:
There is an opportunity that we all have that I didn't have when I started my business 2005 to 2006. This wasn't available. This is available now. There is no reason why you can't make it. There's no reason why you can't win if you understand and capitalize off of creating commercials on the new cable networks. This is Secrets for Success. Welcome to the Secrets for Success podcast. I'm your host, Greg Todd.
Greg Todd [00:00:29]:
Thank you as always for joining me. My we are going to talk about the new cable networks, the new opportunity that is in front of every single one of you. I don't know if a lot of you are using this, but you need to. And that's what I did this past weekend. We had a few waves of clients that came in, spent three days with us each and we helped them build out commercials for the new cable networks. And if you're not doing that, you need to start doing it like period, the end. You need to start to build out your commercials. There's an opportunity that we all have that I didn't have when I started my business 2005 to 2006.
Greg Todd [00:01:10]:
This wasn't available. This is available now. There was no reason why you can't make it. There's no reason why you can't win if you understand and capitalize off of creating commercials on the new cable network. So before I get into how you create commercials, what commercials look like, what are the new cable networks, I want to give you a story from 2006. 2006 is when I now am starting our new location, the Wesley Chapel Clinic. That clinic cost me $80,000 that I didn't have. But I put, I got a line of credit on my home.
Greg Todd [00:01:44]:
I mean I was able to invest in $80,000 in getting this clinic ready to be able to open up for the public. And I truly thought that I could put my money there. I wasn't even thinking, I was so ignorant. I didn't even understand that, that I had no budget allocating allocation for marketing, for sales because I was ignorant. I thought that if I had the awesome clinic, if I had the cool high low tables, if I had all the nice, cool gym flooring and the rooms were nice and painted and just everything in a 2500 square foot place, everybody would come because I have an OCS, I have a CFCS, I have all these certifications, I've worked at the top professional tennis players in the world, I've worked at professional basketball players, blah blah, blah blah. All this stuff Nothing happened, okay? All the people that said they were going to send to me, hardly any of them said to me, and it was a hot mess and I was in trouble. And I was sick and tired of the marketing strategy that I was using, which really was no strategy. But what I was doing at the time was going from door to door, doctor's office to doctor's office, business to business, gyms to gyms, and I was getting nothing, okay? I was getting nothing.
Greg Todd [00:02:54]:
And, and it was frustrating. And I just felt like every client that I had, honestly, I just felt like I needed to hold on to them because if these people left, I would not be able to pay my rent. I would not be able to pay the, the little payroll I was giving myself and my two part time people. It was a hot mess, man. It was terrible. It was a really, really scary time. I would have to see patients, like, anytime that they would be willing to come in. I remember this one lady, she said the only time I come in is 6 o'clock in the morning.
Greg Todd [00:03:25]:
And she would see me sometimes on Saturdays in the afternoon. And so that was my schedule. Like, sometimes I'd be there, like, get out of my house at 5:00, get to the clinic at 6, so I could see this lady by myself, which wasn't even. That wasn't good. That was so bad, right? And then sometimes I'd have to see people at, on a Saturday afternoon. Like it was that crazy because I didn't have a pipeline of new people coming into my world because I didn't understand marketing, I didn't understand proper sales, I didn't understand the power of getting attention. And so I, I say that to you because on a Saturday, right? Which is usually the only time that I actually turn on TV. It usually is like 3:00, 4:00, I, I got home and maybe finishing up some nose.
Greg Todd [00:04:06]:
I don't know, you know, it's just doing all that stuff and then watching college football on a Saturday and seeing these commercials, you just say, gosh, if I had the money to be on like CBS and be on these, you know, ESPN or whatnot, like I can get in front of people because I know I'm good, I know my stuff is good. I know people will get help with me, but I got to get on commercials. Okay, so let me fast forward. It's like four months into, like when I'm really, really, really at my low and I cannot get in front of people and nothing's working. I got this opportunity, I got this Opportunity from a guy who was a salesman, you know, and he basically was a salesperson for this AM radio station. And he got in touch of my office and basically said, hey, I'm, I can't remember his name, but he said he was from 16:20am and he said that, that he wanted to present an offer to me to have a 30 minute segment that no other physical therapist had taken. But he had doctors and he had this and he had all these other people that had taken this thing. And this is a way that you can get exposure and people can see you as the go to.
Greg Todd [00:05:15]:
You can just answer questions for us and we're going to get you in front of our audience because we have a station and our station is 1620. Now he couldn't tell me at the time how much people I can get in front of, but he just told me that this is what you can do. And guys, let me tell you something. I was desperate. And I remember as he was speaking, I set up another phone call with him and I remember saying, listen, as tight as things are and I don't have the money, I know I need to have money to be able to pay myself and my two part time people. If he charges me $2,500 or less, I'm doing it. And at that time there was no proof that this was, it's 16:20am there's, there's no proof I'm gonna get in front of anybody. But I was desperate.
Greg Todd [00:05:57]:
Then he came back and he said, It's $5,000 a month. It was so deflating and I knew I couldn't afford it and I knew that if it did not work right away I would, I would have gone out of business and I would have lost everything. So I ended up telling him, no, I can't do it. And you know what I did after that? I wish I could tell you it was a great ending, but I just hustled even more. And now sometimes after I finished seeing patients at 2, 3 o'clock on a Saturday, I would just go and try to hit up other businesses that were open. And I just kept on working and working and working and luckily eventually it paid off. But I want to go back to how hard it was back then to be able to get in front of people. And the only way I could get a commercial was if I paid some random no name radio station $5,000 a month or if I paid a hundred thousand dollars or $50,000 to a big, you know, TV syndicate.
Greg Todd [00:06:54]:
And so that's the reason Why? I want to present to you guys the new opportunity that's in front of us right now. We guys, we have new cable networks today. Now, I want to ask you a couple questions. When was the last time you actually used your cable tv? Now, I can't hear you because I'm doing a podcast. I'm in a studio. But, you know, I wonder which one you use more. Have you used your phone and social media more, or have you used cable TV more? I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you've used your phone more. Guys, the phone is a new cable network.
Greg Todd [00:07:30]:
So let's talk about these cable networks that are in front of all of us today. And let's talk about how much it costs for us to be able to put commercials on these new cable networks today. All right, So I don't have. Well, I kind of do have cable at my house. I have YouTube TV, right? So it's a streaming service. It technically is kind of cable in this area. In the Clearwater Tampa Bay area, we have a cable network also called Spectrum. Okay.
Greg Todd [00:07:59]:
And you usually pay, you know, 100 bucks, 80 bucks, 100, 150 bucks a month to get these cable channels. All right? I don't use it that much. I use espn, hgtv. Yeah, that's about it. Okay. Those are like the main ones that we use. But the one that I use the most is I use the new cable networks. I use ocn.
Greg Todd [00:08:21]:
I use ccn. I use EECN and, um. Yeah, and then tcn, you know, so let's talk about each of those. Let's talk about ocn. OCN is the. The opinion cable network. Okay. There's usually about 3 to 4 billion people that use this cable network all the time.
Greg Todd [00:08:45]:
I don't know how many people use YouTube TV, but I know on OCN, somewhere between 3 to 4 billion people use it at least a few times a year. Okay? You probably get about 1 to 2.5 billion that use it every single month. Here's the crazy part about this. On this network, you're allowed to put commercials on for free. Crazy. Now you can pay money to put commercials on so that even more people see it. But if your commercial is actually good, they will put your commercial in front of more people without you even having to pay a penny. You know what OCN is? OCN is the opinion cable network.
Greg Todd [00:09:21]:
That is Facebook. Facebook is a platform where people give their opinions. They give their opinions on Trump and Zelensky they give their opinions on Trump and Vance. They give their opinions on Elon. They give their opinions on what's happening with the Gulf of America versus Gulf of Mexico versus Canada versus China versus Tariffs. And people give all their opinions, and everybody comes to see other people's opinions. People act like they're the chief of Staff in the United States of America. Okay, now here's the crazy part about it.
Greg Todd [00:09:55]:
There are people that actually think that their opinions are going to change anything by putting it on a network. And by the way, that's fine. I. I implore those people to keep on giving your opinions. You do. You boo. Give your opinions. But can I tell you something? I know that people are on those networks just like they're not cutting and turning on YouTube, TV or Spectrum to go watch a Doritos commercial.
Greg Todd [00:10:24]:
They're cutting on those platforms to watch the football game. They're coming on those platforms to watch Flip and Flop. They're coming on the platforms to watch college football. Ohio State versus Michigan. They're coming on the platforms to watch Lakers versus Celtics. But they stay, since they're on the platform anyways. They're going to watch the commercial for Doritos. They're going to watch a commercial for Dell.
Greg Todd [00:10:47]:
They're going to watch a commercial for Wingstop. By the way, I love the Wingstop commercials. The music's amazing. Okay, all right. But that's what they're going to do, okay? They're coming on the networks, and we are able to put commercials on the networks. The networks will put the commercial in front of a few people, and the people did it resonate with the commercial, meaning that they didn't engage on a commercial. Then they just say, okay, we're not gonna put this commercial in front of any other people, but it's for free. And I'm just thinking of this weekend when we had these people here and we created 75 pieces of content commercials for them.
Greg Todd [00:11:22]:
Like, their commercials are gonna at least be seen by 500 people. I mean, minimum, each one. All right? On average, maybe some a little bit less, some a little bit more. 500. So you're in front. You're doing 75 commercials. 500. It's like nearly 40,000 eyeballs.
Greg Todd [00:11:43]:
And that's saying no commercial does really good. 40,000 eyeballs. I was going to pay $5,000 a month to be on 16:20am you guys. That's the perspective that I have on why I am so consistent. I'm so consistent with my commercials and my content and my podcast. I don't usually miss a lot of weeks. I think I might have missed last week a little bit. But.
Greg Todd [00:12:10]:
But for the most part, I've been doing this for 10 years now. It's because I understand how hard it was before, and you can't take advantage of this if you don't put out the commercials. So that's what I told my clients. I'm like, put out the dark commercials. Put the commercials out. There's many different ways to do commercials, and maybe I'll talk about that in the next, you know, podcast. But, you know, I mean, here, here, you know, here, let's talk about that. So, like, the way that I did this with my clients is I interviewed my clients across from this desk.
Greg Todd [00:12:43]:
Okay. There's another set of cameras over here. All right? And so what I did is I just interviewed them, right? I. I used custom based marketing assistance that we created for them based on their business to help us create questions that I could ask them about who they serve, their audience, what things they love, what things they hate, certain tips, certain solutions, all these different things. I was able to get their, their AI assistants to help generate these awesome questions. We took the top questions and we interviewed them and then we created commercials out of it. Okay, There are certain commercials where people like to read more. There's certain commercials where people like to just listen more.
Greg Todd [00:13:24]:
There's certain commercials that people like to view and see the person more. There's different ways to do those commercials, okay? It's just different, like, ways you can go about, you know, positioning it. And that's really it. So why are you not doing commercials? Why? By the way, I only talked about the ocna. The OCN is the opinion cable network. You want to know what else there is? There's a CCN that's a comparison cable network, that's Instagram. There's 1.5 to 2 and a half million people on that platform, too. Here's what they do on the platform.
Greg Todd [00:13:58]:
They go on there and they go and they compare their pictures with each other and their videos. And in their pictures, they usually, like, rent cars and act like they're about to fall off of a cliff and this and that. Because, you know, everybody wants a little oxytocin in their life and a little dopamine. They want to feel like they're connected. They want people to feel like, like they're important and, and they want to feel like they're valued and loved. So they do that. And I know that billions of people will do that. But while Billions of people are doing that so they can get their dopamine in.
Greg Todd [00:14:28]:
You can put up commercials for free. And if your stuff is good, those billions of people have kids that are struggling with sensory integration issues. Those people have, have, have pelvic floor issues. Those people have hurt shoulders and hurt backs and hurt knees and hurt hips. Guys, like, they're, they're all there. You can do it for free. Just put your commercial out. And then there's the EECN network, and that is the entertainment entertainment and educating cable network.
Greg Todd [00:15:02]:
That's YouTube. People go there to be educated. People go there also to be entertained, probably entertain more than they're educated. So some people go there to go watch Mr. Beast videos and see how many, how long he can keep his, his head under the water. I don't know. Like, then you got some people that are going there and say, hey, I want to figure out how to fix my toilet at home, and I don't want to pay anybody to do it either way. You could put commercials out there too.
Greg Todd [00:15:27]:
This is the world we're living in. And then you got the tcn, which is the talking head cable network. And, and, and that's TikTok, right? And on Tik Tok today, you could just put out content. And, and we don't even look at Google anymore. Now when you go somewhere, you want to see it, you want to experience it, you want to go inside of it. You don't want to just see some five stars and say, oh, it was great. No, you want somebody to show it even. I mean, just watching my behavior right now on Amazon, I'm trying to order these, these, these sleeping speakers, like, so I can sleep.
Greg Todd [00:16:06]:
And it's like a sleep that goes around your, your kind of your, your head and it goes to your neck. And I want to be able to like, play music. I want to be able to play this, like, calming music while I'm sleeping at night. But I don't want my AirPods in because I'm sleeping on my side and it'll fall out. It just feels uncomfortable, right? But now I'm even what, like, looking that in order for me to make a decision on something, there has to be a video that goes along with the product that I'm buying you guys. Our behavior is changing. We are relying so much on these networks to be able to consume information, to make the decisions that we need to make. And most of these networks have the ability for us to have free commercials that we can put in front of people.
Greg Todd [00:16:45]:
We don't Even have to pay. All you have to have is just a little willingness and a little courage to do it. That's what I want to present to you today. I want to challenge you. Are you putting out commercials? Are you giving yourself the opportunity for sales and marketing to not be an issue in your business? Guys, if you're not doing that, then I'm sorry, today, I don't know how much longer they're going to allow us to be able to do this for free. Today you have the opportunity to do this. Come on, take advantage of it. Take advantage of it.
Greg Todd [00:17:21]:
And you know, I just finished. This was my third or fourth wave of people that have done this commercial based event. And today my client said we need more of this. Like, we need more. So I'm actually going to be adding more of these events in the future. And if you want to be a part of the next one, then go ahead and I don't know, comment traffic event. And you can text me that at 813-534-6453 and I can give you some details on the next one. If there is any availability and we have any spots, obviously I have to give it to my clients that pay me, you know, to be a part of my yearly programs first.
Greg Todd [00:18:02]:
But if there's other spots or when those spots become open, I can, I can present that, you know, to you. But guys, like, it's so crazy because a business like, I get it, our economy sucks for a lot of people. And I don't want to discredit that, but geez, for those of you in business, man, there's never been times like this that you can get in front of people for free. You can present offers to people. You don't have to wait for anybody to tell you how much you're going to charge, this, that or the other. Fine. You can't charge a lot because of people you're serving. No problem.
Greg Todd [00:18:33]:
You can create online stuff. People will consume things online today. So you can make lots of money that way. You can make lots of money by charging a few people a lot of money. You can find those people. It's like there's just no excuse anymore, you know? But you gotta have courage. You gotta be willing to put yourself out there. You gotta have a little strength, gotta have a little moxie about you.
Greg Todd [00:18:51]:
You know what I mean? So anyways, that's it, man. Start doing some commercials, y'all. Let's get it till next time.