#121: Episode 121 - Here’s How I Lost 30 Pounds and 2x My Business Over The Past Eight Months

You read that right…. 30 lbs down and doubled my biz.

As we go into 2022, do you feel super confident in your ability to make next year absolutely amazing for you in all aspects of your life?

If you don’t, keep reading.

Here's what I can tell you… There's a very distinct difference between those that win and those that lose.

Winners play on the offensive. They plan and attack.

The losers are constantly playing defensive and in reaction mode.

From January 1 to April 6 I was losing with my health. I was working out whenever I wanted to, and eating clean whenever I wanted to… There was no plan that I was following. Here’s a picture of what I looked like on April 7.

On April 7 everything changed. I went into attack mode and I started to follow a plan. Here's what I look like today… Actually as of this morning.

Today's podcast is about how I did it, and how you could start winning in any area that you're losing in. You can listen to it here and see all the pictures…. The good, the bad, and the ugly!

For everything that’s a priority in my life, I’ve planned out how I will make it a priority in 2022.
My entire year is planned out… because success doesn’t happen by accident.

I want to win… And I know that there's no way I'm going to win if I'm not on the offensive.


Let’s Connect...

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