#139: Episode 139 - What would you tell your former self?

Here's a question for you....If you could go back in time to when you just became a healthcare professional, what would you tell yourself?

That was what we discussed on this episode of the Wealth Code Secrets.

Kelly Kessler, a six year physical therapist talked about her journey from working in outpatient PT, to being furloughed, with becoming an entrepreneur and helping a niche of people that have struggled with eating disorders.

Sheā€™s someone that took my Raise Your Income Challenge last year, and has since catapulted her impact and authority in her niche.

She was very reflective on the podcast, and talks about things she wished she did earlier so that she could make the impact that sheā€™s making nowā€¦Instead of waiting six years to do so.

She also talks about the huge shift from when she did the Raise Your Income Challenge just 6 months ago.

If that is something that you feel like you needā€¦ Iā€™m going to be opening up the challenge in 48 hours. I would love for you to join our waitlist to get access to some awesome things that we are going to be doing for the challenge which starts March 21.


Letā€™s Connect...

Website: https://gregtoddtv.com/

Free Mentorship: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mentorwithgreg/http://bit.ly/mentorwithgreg

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gregtoddpthttp://bit.ly/gregtoddinstagram



Join the Raise Your Income Challenge 2.0 Waitlist here! --> www.raiseyourincomechallenge.com