#141: Episode 141 - I have five days to 2x everyone’s pay in healthcare

So that’s the challenge I’ve been given.

GT, could you fix the pay of every healthcare professional and in less than a week?

Short answer: Yes

You can go to www.raiseyourincomechallenge.com if you accept the challenge.

Honestly, I don’t even need seven days…I can do it in five.

Here’s exactly what I would do.

Day 1: I’m going to teach the mindset that it takes to allow money to start to flow into your life.

Not only were we not taught this, we were actually conditioned to do it totally wrong.

Day 2: There are eight habits that I have acquired over the last 10 years that has 250X my income. I will teach those habits, and show every healthcare professional how to replace their current habits with those 8 habits with the least amount of effort.

Day 3: There are 4 skills that healthcare professionals need to start to focus their energy on. These skills will allow them to actually be in demand instead of not being valued in the marketplace.

Day 4: I will show healthcare professionals how to figure out what people value so that they pay you whatever you want.

People pay you only when you’re giving them value. What I value is different than what you value. All that matters is what the paying customer values.

Day 5: I would show the system for every group out there no matter how young or old you are to be able to raise your income.

There are different ways to make lots of money. Not everyone wants to be an entrepreneur. Students need to make money, new grads need to make money and non-business owners need to make money.

5 days
Not 5 weeks.
Not 5 months.

Exponentially grow your pay!


Let’s Connect...

Website: https://gregtoddtv.com/

Free Mentorship: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mentorwithgreg/http://bit.ly/mentorwithgreg

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gregtoddpthttp://bit.ly/gregtoddinstagram

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDCwM1Zgt5c


Join the Raise Your Income Challenge 2.0 Waitlist here! --> www.raiseyourincomechallenge.com