Wealth Code Secrets

Wealth Code Secrets

Hosted by: Greg Todd

This podcast is where we will teach you how to prioritize what truly matters so you can make the rest of your life the best of your life!

All Episodes


Episode 73 - Do you have what it takes?

Episode #73

I get asked this one question the most out of any other question...and that is, "Do I have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur?" I wanted to share my response to that. And... It may surprise you.   Let’s...
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Episode 72 - Do you like your boss?

Episode #72

I have had many bosses throughout my working career, and they were all pretty good. But, you know who the toughest boss I have had? Me. Yep, me. Let me explain...   Let’s Connect... Website: https://gregtoddtv.com/...
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Episode 71 - Who has Done More Good for the World?

Episode #71

I am currently reading a book and one of the questions in the book asks, "Who has done more for the world? Mother Theresa or Bill Gates?"   I'd love for us to have a discussion about this topic, so I am encouraging...
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Episode 70 - Have you felt this after coming back from vacation?

Episode #70

Do you feel like you need a vacation...after a vacation?   Well, that is exactly how I have felt for many years after coming back from vacation. I have felt anxious in the days leading up to going "back to work".  ...
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Episode 69 - Ask Yourself this One Question

Episode #69

If you truly desire to have a lifestyle business, I need you to ask yourself this one question.   I know that if I would have asked myself this sooner in life, I would've had a lifestyle business years ago.   Let me...
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Episode 68 - How to Protect Your Gifts

Episode #68

Now some of you may be thinking about physical gifts, and I guess in some cases I am...but I am talking about protecting the gift you have been given by a higher power.   It could be speaking to an audience, it could...
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Episode 67 - Can You Become a Millionaire Being a Healthcare Professional?

Episode #67

ABSOTOOTLY!   Becoming a millionaire seems like a long-term goal, a very long-term goal to some of you. It may also seem impossible to some.   I recently did a FB video on this subject because a group that I belong...
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Episode 66 - My Takeaways from the SSHC Live 2021 Event

Episode #66

If you didn't get a chance to go to this years live event...you missed out! BUT, there is still hope for you! You can get the recordings now and experience the HYPE show (and also learn a lot). We had some amazing...
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Episode 65 - How to Change Someone's Life in Minutes...

Episode #65

Yes minutes...   This past weekend was SSHC Live 2021 and if you missed out on it, I am truly sorry. It was beyond amazing and life-changing!   In this episode, I talk about how you can actually change someone's life...
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Episode 64 - Freedom Ain't Free

Episode #64

Yesterday was Memorial Day. We honored and remembered those who lost their lives so we can be free. Here was my message from yesterday.   Let’s Connect... Website: https://gregtoddtv.com/ Free Mentorship:...
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Episode 63 - Not Everyone Knows What You Know

Episode #63

Sometimes in life, we talk to other people and just expect them to know what we are talking about or how to do something that we know how to do. Sometimes we hold back on things because we feel like that other person...
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Episode 62 - Mission Over Man

Episode #62

In this episode, I talk about the mission over man and what happens when it becomes man over the mission.   I have experienced the latter and when I learned from that, that is when things really started happening for...
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