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Episode 49 - How to Manage your Energy Well
Do you always have a lot of energy? Or do you not have any energy? I recently spoke at an event and people were commenting about my energy saying how I had a lot of it. Well, I had a lot of good energy during that...
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Episode 48 - Mom and Dad, This is For You
My parents hold a very special place in my heart and today I just want to honor them. There are people in your life for a reason, there are people in your life for a season and there are people in your life for a...
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Episode 47 - SPECIAL Episode for my most SPECIAL person
This is such a special episode for me.  Today I celebrate 20 years of marriage with my queen, amazing wife, best friend, and wonderful mother.  Mrs. Todd, this one is you for you!  Let’s Connect... Website:...
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Episode 46 - 7 Reason Why You Should Attend a Live Event
Yes, it’s true…I’m doing a live event in June in Orlando!  I’m hoping you can get a little insight and inspiration from this when it comes to moving forward with things in your life during times of uncertainty.  In...
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Episode 45 - A Message I know You Need To Hear
Life can be rough sometimes. I know we have all had our fair share of it over the last year. Â Have you ever been passed upon an opportunity that you know you are qualified and actually good at? Â Well, I have been...
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Episode 44 - Why Marketing and Sales Should Be Taught In School
Would you be further along in your career if you were taught marketing and selling in school? I honestly feel that you may be. Marketing and selling is such an important part of growing and scaling your business. In...
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Episode 43 - The Bottleneck
Are you burned out in your job or career? I believe one of the main reasons for this is bottlenecking. Now I know you may be thinking, what in the heck are you talking about? Well, in this episode I explain what it is...
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Episode 42 - The Money Heist
Now I know some may think I am going to talk about money and I guess I kind of am. I watched this show called The Money Heist on Netflix, and it actually teaches you a good story. Let me explain.  Let’s Connect......
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Episode 41 - If You are 6 Figures in Debt After School...You NEED to Hear This!
If You are 6 Figures in Debt After School...You NEED to Hear This!  Let’s Connect... Website: https://gregtoddtv.com/ Free Mentorship: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mentorwithgreg/http://bit.ly/mentorwithgreg...
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Episode 40 - Curse of the Clinician
Are you bound by the curse of the clinician? Now if you aren't a clinician, it's ok...it applies to you too. I talk about the different curses and how you can break the dreaded curse once and for all!  Let’s...
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Episode 39 - The Real Talk of Business
A lot of you may see business owners and their success...but, I bet they don't tell you their struggles. I am here to tell you that it is normal to have struggles in business, I know I sure have! That is what I am...
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Episode 38 - Is Physical Therapy School Worth It Part 2
I recently did a video on YouTube called "Is Physical Therapy School Worth It?" (insert the link for that video). I ended up getting over 3,000 views and a ton of comments. I wanted to touch more on this subject since...
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