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#169: Episode 169 - Do You Know How to Stay Recession Proof? PART 2
I decided to do a Part 2 to the previous episode because well...it needed to be done!
In this episode I am going to continue the talk about how to recession proof your healthcare career and business during these...
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#168: Episode 168 - Do You Know How to Stay Recession Proof?
I think we all know that a recession is coming, if not already here.
In this episode I am going to talk about how to recession proof your healthcare career and business.
I am doing something I haven't done before and...
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#167: Episode 167 - Here is the first step in having a successful business
I asked a few questions on my Instagram about starting a business. I got a lot of answers and I talk in this episode about what it takes to actually start a business.
Especially the first step in having a successful...
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#166: Episode 166 - Increase Your Earnings Doing This
In order to increase your earnings you have to....
LEARN! Yes, learn.
I explain in this episode how you have to actually learn certain things in order to actually increase your earnings.
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#165: Episode 165 - Being a Solution Based Provider
Do you solve people's problems? Being a solutions-based provider could really pay off.
I want to share a story about something that happened to my wife over the weekend.
My wife had a problem and one of my students...
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#164: Episode 164 - A Phrase I have Vowed to Never Say Again
It's as good as it gets...that is the phrase that I will never say again.
Why? Because it simply isn't true.
It can always be better...I wanted to share a story from when I realized I would never say it again.
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#163: Episode 163 - This one thing might be hiding from you, but I am here to tell you how to find it
In this episode I want to share a story about my pup...yes I said my pup.
I realized something while playing fetch with him and I think it is something that you don't realize.
Let me explain...
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#162: Episode 162 - A Message From My Pops
My parents are the cutest, I know I have talked about them before but in today's episode I share something with you that my dad sent to me.
Well, actually he has a text thread with me and some family on it. He sends...
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#161: Episode 161 - The One Thing Harder Than Entrepreneurship
There are two different types of people that will listen to this podcast.
The ones that don't have an entrepreneur mindset and ones that do have an entrepreneur mindset.
I want you to listen to today's episode and let...
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#160: Episode 160 - How to Stop Trading Time for Money
I know I have given examples of how to stop trading your time for money, but I haven't told you the one thing you HAVE to do in order to do that.
You have to reverse it.
Yes, I said reverse it. You have to START...
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#159: Episode 159 - The Power of Visionary Activities
Are you doing visionary activities in your business?
I ask that question because in today's podcast I played a message I received about someone asking me to tell them about the time a company tried to by my clinics.
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#158: Episode 158 - Are you interested in learning how to make passive income as a therapist or dietitian?
And I’m not talking about real estate, crypto, stocks or anything like that.
I’m talking about from the knowledge that you paid lots of money for.
I interviewed Registered Dietitian, Katie Dodd, on my podcast today...
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