Wealth Code Secrets

Wealth Code Secrets

Hosted by: Greg Todd

This podcast is where we will teach you how to prioritize what truly matters so you can make the rest of your life the best of your life!

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#157: Episode 157 - How to Automate your Personal and Business Life

In today's episode I want to talk about how to audit your life personally and business wise. It is important to do it in both areas so they balance. You want to automate these areas so that they serve you and not harm...
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#156: Episode 156 - How to Find Your Purpose

Finding your purpose can be like feeling like a superhero. But, it can take some time to get to that point. That is what I talk to you today about...how to find your purpose.   Let’s...
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#155: Episode 155 - Take off the Rose Colored Glasses - GT on his Story and Entrepreneurship

Credit card debt was one of the best things that ever happened to me! Today I am in the HOT SEAT as the digital strategist of Smart Success Healthcare, Sydney Davis, interviews me... we discuss debt, my...
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#154: Episode 154 - From 6 Figures in Debt to 6 Figures in a Day

Join me on today's podcast as I interview Kelly Alhooie, who has gone from broke to a multi 6 figures in just two years! 9 years in a row…Kelly only got a 3% raise. In the past 2 years, she has given herself an annual...
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#153: Episode 153 - Do You Want to Earn More and Sell Less?

Most likely your answer is yes...because who really likes to sell? In this episode, I talk about the importance of having an offer so irresistible that your client can't say no. And no, you don't have to be an expert...
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#152: Episode 152 - Lifestyle Business From an Entrepreneur and Intrapreneur Perspective

Today I have a special guest with me...Brittany Lewis. She is the head of operations and my assistant to my business. We just got done hosting back to back workshops the past four days and a lot of students are still...
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#151: Episode 151 - Building the Vehicle to your Dreams

My neighbor is in the process of building his new house. His old house was really small and so they decided after 22 years to demolish it and build their dream house. That is what I want to talk to you about today....
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#150: Episode 150 - You're One Away

That is what I talk about today...something happened recently and it was like a domino effect. Realizing that you are only one "something" away, can be pretty life changing. You're one client away from officially...
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#149: Episode 149 - Rewrite Your Story...

In this episode I talk about rewriting my story. I recently celebrated 21 years with my amazing queen...Mrs. Todd. We have had our ups, downs, highs and lows...but on our 1 year anniversary we decided to break the...
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#148: Episode 148 - How to Balance Business and Kids

A couple of episodes ago I talked about spousal support...in this episode, I want to talk about how to balance this life with kids. I have 4 beautiful children with my queen...the first two born I missed their first...
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#147: Episode 147 - The only way you're going to make more money in healthcare is if you do this

Let's face it...this subject comes up a lot when I speak at events. This past weekend I spoke an event for one of my students and someone asked is "What happens when your spouse is not onboard?" My answer surprised...
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#146: Episode 146 - To The Entrepreneurs Who Are Struggling with Spousal Support

Let's face it...this subject comes up a lot when I speak at events. This past weekend I spoke at an event for one of my students and someone asked is "What happens when your spouse is not on board?" My answer...
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